Sunday Classes
The following classes are held each and every Sunday…
*Nursery provided for both Sunday services!
During First Service (Beginning at 8:30am)
Faith In Action
Held in the conference room (#103) and led by Mike Chilcote.
Teen Study Group
A fast-growing highlight of HHCC, where our middle and high school students have an opportunity to learn biblical truths to understand and battle the cultural threats, led by Elder Curtis Current.
She-ologians (Starting January 19th)
Woman’s study taught by Mindy Casey during 1st service. In the NCR(Garage). Learning to better understand the hard parts of scripture.
The Bible
Lead by Gage Casey during 1st service in 102. Currently teaching intro to Apologetics.
Young Children’s Study
Biblical teaching offered to kids, K-6th, by our very own Terri Current!
During Second Service (Beginning around 10:00)
Class meets during Second Service in Fellowship Hall at 10 am. Led by Don Christian.
Chapel Class Bible Study
Meets at 10:00 am. Led by Matthew Madinger.
Kid’s Own Worship (K-3rd, 4th-6th)
Dismisses after the praise music, during Second Service. K-3rd taught in our KOW room in lower level, while the 4th-6th meets upstairs in #105. Led by a team of teachers.