Weekly Classes
Classes/Groups that meet during the Week
Tuesday Evening:
6:30-8:00 pm Includes indoor/outdoor activities; Worship in Sanctuary; and classes for 4-7th and 8-12th grades in #105 & FH Led by Gage Casey and Billy Casey with additional volunteers.
Women’s Fall Bible Study
Sue Casey will lead a group of Women in a Bible Study. This group will meet during Tribe, only on the evenings that Tribe will be in session, in room #102.
Roberts Life Together Group (in homes)
Meeting att the Roberts home. This group is led by Kenny & Teresa Roberts. There are limited openings available.
Young Adult Bible Study
Pastor Patrick leads a group study for Young Adults. The group meets in the NCR (North Conference Room) at 6:30 PM.
Wednesday Daytime:
Stonecroft Women’s Bible Study
A daytime study, led by Gayle Addington. This class meets on Wednesday morning at 10:00 AM, in room #102. If you are interested, please contact Gayle, 379-5526.
Men’s Discipleship
John Johnson will lead a Men’s Discipleship group on Wednesdays at 1:00 PM. They meet in room #102.
Wednesday Evenings:
Christian Life Together Group
6:30 PM Wednesday evenings Led by Don Christian. Going through books of the bible.
Mid-Week Worship Service
7:00 PM Wednesday evenings. Music and teaching led by several of our leaders on a rotating basis.
Thursday Daytime:
Apologetics Class – 10:30am-12:00pm, Fellowship Hall
Meets at 10:30 am on Thursday. Currently led by Pastor Patrick. This class helps sharpen the skill set of the attendee to become stronger at representing Christ in the culture, and understand how to defend the faith of Christianity. Meets in #102
Thursday Evening:
Men’s Discipleship – 6:00-7:00pm, Room #102
This is an open forum for men who want to have discussion concerning life and how to become better leaders. Led by Ben Jackson, meets in #103, 6-7:30 PM.
Women’s Fall Bible Study
Chellie Garlock will lead this group in room #102. This class is currently at capacity. Let the office know if you are interested in being on a waiting list. (785-379-5642)
Friday Evening:
Financial Peace University
Led by Doug Ping and Mark Saunders. This is a 10 Week class starting January 31st - April 4th at 6:30. Sign up here!
*If you have questions regarding any of these classes, please feel free to reach out to the church, either by phone or email.
Support & Fellowship Groups
Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Every Third Saturday of the month - 8:00-9:30am, Fellowship hall
The goal is to get Christian men together so they don’t feel like they are alone in this world that seems to forget about them. If you are interested in having a great meal and being encouraged, then we would love to see you there!
Caregiver's Support Group “Caring Hearts of Hope”
2nd Tuesday of each month from 5:30pm - 7:00pm, Library
A support group that has been created to help the needs of those who are caring for family or friends with such ailments as Alzheimer's, Dementia, Cancer or other debilitating illnesses or injuries. Meeting twice per month, this outreach opportunity will help the caregiver with a friendly support team that will root its encouragement in God's Word and Prayer, as well as a time of conversation and sharing.
Ladies Game Night
2nd Friday of each month – 6:45-8:30pm – Fellowship Hall
Mark your calendars each month ladies!! This gathering is to have a ladies night and enjoy the company of other Christian women, playing assorted board or card games!
AA (Alcoholics Anonymous)
Every Monday Night - 7:00-8:00pm, Room #102
Helping alcoholics recover for more than 80 years. A.A.'s program of recovery is built on the simple foundation of one alcoholic sharing with another. If your drinking is out of control, A.A. can help.