Basin and the Towel

Highland Heights Christian Church


The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.”

2 Corinthians 9:6-8 ESV


I want to take a minute to explain how the wonderful sharing of your contributed treasures work. We have 3 categories of expenses - ongoing, mission and special need. The ongoing is the easiest to explain. It includes things like lights, heat (or air conditioning since this is Kansas), cleaning of the building, paper towels, the donuts and coffee served between services, etc.  But it also includes things like Vacation Bible School materials and Fall Festival expenses. These items are all budgeted and managed throughout the year by several ministry teams, the elders and staff.


The mission organizations that we support are very carefully evaluated by our pastor and elders. We support missions such as Doorstep and Lunch with Jesus, locally, and missions like Good News to Mexico and the Kenya Project, globally. Additionally, these mission expenses include local helping missions such as the Heritage Christian School and Benevolent expenditures. These expenditures help people who are experiencing a set of need circumstances on a limited basis. They also are budgeted and managed throughout the year and, for the most part, match the budgeted amounts. However, the local helping mission items have been known to go over  budget, when the need arises.


Before I get to the third type of expenses, I want to explain how your giving is used. When you give a donation, whether specifically directed or not, is put into our general fund to pay all our expenses. If you want to send through your donation for a special expenditure beyond our planned and managed giving, you need to let us know. For example, let’s say the Lord spoke to you and led you to contribute an extra amount, beyond your normal giving to the church, to support The Bridge of Topeka (who manages the Lunch Buddy mentoring program with grade school kids among other activities).  If you note that on your contribution, we’ll forward it on. However,

(continued on page5)


Inside this issue:

A Note From the Treasurer




Pastor Patrick




Gideons Easter


Leadership  Lifter

Women’s event



Basin and the Towel

    I don’t know about any of you, but we are all done with winter!  The kids and teachers need to get outside and enjoy some fresh air and sunshine!

    Even though we are all suffering from cabin fever, we are still spending everyday learning, learning, learning! This is the time of year that a lot of those things start really clicking for the kids and they are so proud of themselves for everything that they accomplish!

     We will be gearing up for our Super Silly Concert/ Pre-K Graduation soon. This is to celebrate the kids that will be leaving us in the fall for Kindergarten and to celebrate Jars of Clay Children’s Center’s “17th birthday.” Always a super fun event but a reminder of the families that will be leaving us soon. Some of the families have been with us long enough to have 2 or 3 kids go through our program so it is always a bittersweet time.

     Thank you for all the support and prayers we receive from the Church Family!  I know that there are so many of you that pray for us every day, and we all really appreciate it!

     In Christ’ Service

    Chellie Garlock

    Program Director



Kids' Worship

Students in K - 6 will begin Unit 7 in Answers in Genesis in mid-March. Some of the nursery children will begin a 12 week study of specific Bible verses beginning in March.  They will  have a picture to color that relates to the particular verse(s). Kids' Worship meets during the second service. Sunday School meets during the first service for children K-6 and also for grades 7 - college.  Nursery is offered both services.


Vacation Bible School

VBS will be June 2 - 6 this year.  We will meet nightly 6:00 - 8:30.  This year's  title is "Wonder Junction."  Each day's theme covers a part of Jesus's life: The Wonder of His Birth, The Wonder of His Childhood, The Wonder of His Ministry Years, The Wonder of His Death and        Resurrection, and The Wonder of His Return.  Classes will be offered for ages 3(potty trained) through 6th grade.  In addition, we plan to have a class for grades 7 - 12 and also a class for adults.  Please mark your calendars to attend!  If you are interested in helping, you may contact the church office, put it on your yellow card, or email me 


Jacque Gilbert

Children’s Director



Patrick D. Garlock

785 379-5642

Council Officers:

Scarlett Madinger

785 273-3735 

Don Christian

785 969-4819

Beverly Renner

785 806-7702

Nancy Christian

785 379-5068

Items for the “Basin and the Towel” should be given to Nancy Christian or Jackie Gardner, by the third Sunday of  every other  month.  All items are subject to approval and may be edited. 

Direct questions to Jackie,

785 379-5642.  Articles may be sent by e-mail to:


Ricardo Bonner

785 640-6470

Don Christian

785 969-4819

Curtis Current

785 845-3320 

Guy Gardner

785 836-3242

John Johnson

785 806-2402


2930 SE Tecumseh Rd.

Tecumseh, KS  66542 


785/379-5648  (fax)


Jackie Gardner, Secretary

HHCC office hours are 9:00 AM—1:00 PM

Monday through Friday




March 1st will be my eighth anniversary of accepting a position at Highland Heights Christian Church. While I immediately jumped into action, it was not without the guidance of the elders who serve, help from my staff, and the blessing of true tutelage from my mentor, Dr. David Myers. As the Lead Pastor of HHCC from 1986 until 2018, he went above and beyond to transition me as his

replacement. He taught me, corrected me, allowed me to fail and even use those moments for building me back up. He was incredibly patient and fed me lots of wisdom along the way.

     But he could not prepare me for everything.

In one of those many moments of imparting his knowledge, he once told me to not be surprised at the unexpected challenges that surface against proper Biblical Theology. And I made note. I didn’t want to miss the wisdom. It made me  consider Don Adams from Get Smart. I didn’t want the line, “Everyone's entitled to one fatal mistake. Sorry about that, Chief,” to be my calling card if I missed something. And boy, was he right. Many times. Including the discovery of a new one that has surfaced.

     Recently, there are certain people within Christian circles who are telling other believers to pay heed to the feasts and festivals of the Old Covenant Jewish community. Not just pay heed, but celebrate them. And so, the question surfaces, “Do we need to celebrate Jewish Feasts and Festivals?” 

The people who are pushing for us to still celebrate these Old Testament holy days are generally not trying to help us merely recognize them. If that were all it was, there would be no need to write this. Unfortunately, this is not simply a “recognition.” No, these folks are straight up clamoring for Christians to participate as part of our salvation. As in, we must celebrate if we claim to be a Christian. Saints, this is not the least bit accurate. In fact, it is heretical. Because a demand to do this in an effort to ascertain salvation, is nothing more than another “religious” experience added to appear more holy.




First, let us consider the source of the appeal. You might have heard the term, “Messianic Jew” before. “Messianic” is non-specific these days, unfortunately. Because to be precise, not all Jewish followers of Jesus are Messianic Jews. A Jewish person who embraces the Christian faith is a Jewish Christian. Big difference. Because in contrast, a Messianic Jew still clings to portions of Judaism, where a Jewish  Christian recognizes that Jesus is enough, and that He fulfilled the purpose of these Holy days. The Apostle Paul (an ethnic Jew, who left the practice of Judaism once He was transformed by the Holy Spirit), called these practicing Messianic Jews, “Judaizers.” That is, someone who is claiming Christ as their Savior, but still wants to hang on to their old religious practices.

    For clarity on the beliefs of a Messianic Jew, the following explanation about feasts and festivals comes from “The Messianic Fellowship” website: “Yeshua (Jesus) fulfilled the spring and summer festivals (Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, and Feast of Weeks/Pentecost) during His first coming and will fulfill the remaining fall feasts when He returns.  Those Fall events are Yom Teruah (Day of Trumpets), Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), and Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles / Booths / Ingathering).”

     Whereas, a Jewish Christian does not feel compelled to celebrate any of these holidays to be more Christian. Instead, they acknowledge that any celebration or practicing recognition of the Old Covenant, is no longer necessary.  The church does not     celebrate Old Testament holy days because they are part of the ceremonial nature of the law that is fulfilled in Christ. These feasts and festivals simply played the role of “types and shadows” of the Old Covenant, pointing us to a Messiah that would come and save His people.

(Continued on Page 4)


Basin and the Towel

The celebration of these feasts and festivals all began to change in the first century, when Jewish Christians repented and believed in  Jesus. Sure, there was a bit of a struggle early on. The early church there was a transition from inside the synagogue to outside, so that the patterns of life existed in the church initially. But when the church fully matured, there was an end to the celebrations when it came to using them as a call to our Savior. We see this in the New Testament, like when Paul was  giving instruction in the pastoral epistles, there is no hint that the church should keep the Jewish calendar.

     Now, this does NOT render us from not learning about them. And in total transparency, the Christian should learn about them, because it makes the fulfillment of Christ the Messiah, even more impactful when we see the full    transition from the Old Covenant, into the New Covenant. And today, our learning about the Old Testament just solidifies our faith in Jesus, when you see the first 4,600 years of humanity, reach its pinnacle with the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. When we study the life and purpose of Christ, the ceremonial and civil traditions are found in our repentance and belief in the one whom the Scripture is all about.

Christ was the fulfillment of all prophesied about Him. John 3:5-8 - 5 Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. 6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. 7 Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ 8 The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.”

     In this story, Jesus doesn’t simply tell Nicodemus, a Pharisee, to recognize the penance of what it takes to follow Him. He would tell us to deny ourselves, pick up our cross and follow Him. This is even further underscored at the ascension, when His parting words were to tell us gave us our marching orders…

Check Out:



Matthew 28:19-20 - “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

     While the overarching message of the gospel is simple, life is not. Jesus knew this, so He made a way for us. There is no need to muddy the waters in which He made clear. If we want to learn about the old covenant, then praise the Lord! This means we are hungry to uncover the truths of Scripture. But if someone decides that they want to provide a stumbling block for others by “adding” more religious practices, they aren’t seeing the clarity of Christ’s message.

     The law was laborious. It was a burden. Jesus said that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. The old covenant law and ceremonial acts were laborious. He furthers this by moving through the author of Hebrews to explain it this way…

Hebrews 10:1-4 - For since the law has but a shadow of the good things to come instead of the true form of these realities, it can never, by the same sacrifices that are continually offered every year, make perfect those who draw near. 2 Otherwise, would they not have ceased to be offered, since the worshipers,  having once been cleansed, would no longer have any consciousness of sins? 3 But in these sacrifices, there is a reminder of sins every year. 4 For it is  impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.

     Christ is opposite of burdensome laws and ceremonies. He gives us a freedom in Him that doesn’t require us to make our lives more difficult. So while we do not have to celebrate the old festivals, you should research these to       understand their complexity and the foreshadow and celebration that would culminate in our Savior, Jesus Christ.

     Don’t be led astray by false narratives. Jesus is enough!

     For a great article on the Old Covenant feasts and festivals:

Pastor Patrick


Basin and the Towel


- and this is important, most of the expense items like the Fall Festival will be paid out of your giving to the general fund and no  specific direction is needed.  I want to encourage you to trust (and if you feel led,  join) the leadership of the church in regards to determining and managing the expenses of the church through the general fund.  For example, you may really enjoy the donuts and  coffee provided between services and I hope you know that there is a group that provides that service and would welcome your assistance.

That third type of expense, special need, is hard to define. For example, currently, the church needs to replace the roof. Based on the bids we have received, this will be a significant expense of around $100,000. We found this out after this year’s budget was set and it can’t wait until next year’s budget is set. Even if we had known about the roof, it would be very difficult to budget and pay for a new roof out of a single year’s giving. Again, if you feel led to contribute to the building fund in addition to your normal giving, please note that and we will accumulate those contributions to help pay for these larger dollar       expenses. Roofs, heating and AC systems and building leveling are just a few examples of what these special expenditures might entail.

“Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the first fruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine.”

Proverbs 3:9-10 ESV


The last thing I want to share is to  encourage you to get involved in the volunteer support and budget development process.  We start talking about our goals and projected needs in the summer time through our Ministry Teams and in conjunction with Patrick and the elders. Every month, there is a Ministry Council meeting where these teams report on their activity and accept input into future activity. If you feel led to either help one of these teams with your service or supply input into our future activity, this would be a great jumping off point for you.  For example, let’s say you feel led to help communicate the fall festival to the community and have some great ideas on how to get that done, now would be the time to speak up and jump in with both feet.


Time, treasure and talent are the resources you’ve been blessed with to help the mission of our Lord.


Randy Edwards



Basin and the Towel


Doorstep’s History 1966 ~ 2023

     Through the years, Doorstep has evolved into a modern faith-based emergency aid agency. Along the way certain needs in the community were taken care of by other organizations and businesses. Doorstep continued to change and grow to fit the need becoming what we are today. Doorstep started out operating out of Central Congregational Church with the food bank being located in Central Presbyterian and Grace United Methodist.

     With the need growing Doorstep needed more space and secured the building at 12th and Washburn in 1981. Unfortunately, the need continued to grow and additional space was needed. The building at 10th and Buchanan was purchased in 1993, where Doorstep operates out of today. The building at 12th and Washburn opened as “The Dovetail Shoppe” (a thrift store) in November, 1994, and closed in April, 2018.

     Doorstep has had some kind of Christmas Store for at least 53  years. We participated in the first CROP Walk in 1976, and did every year until it ended in 2016. In 2019, Doorstep became a partnering agency with the new City of Topeka program, Impact Avenues. The program helps families who are homeless, with at least one child in the local school systems, and works with them on a myriad of issues. Doorstep has been able to provide assistance with all of our services, and help families with household items (dishes, pots/pans, sheets, towels, comforters, curtains, pillows, etc.) when they move into a new place.

In 2021, Doorstep began working with the new initiative in Topeka called MAP (Mobile Access Partnership). The Topeka Rescue Mission and Valeo Behavioral Health Care came together to create this community service to better assist the homeless, and other agencies have joined since it  began in June, 2021. Doorstep provides clothing for the men and women using the shower trailer from the clothing donations we receive. We have provided the Topeka community with food, clothing and household items, and other emergency services for 57 years. In that time, Doorstep has provided more than 426,596 services, involving over 1,042,579 individuals.

Doorstep has always operated with input from each member  congregation making this organization their own. The staff and volunteers through the years have shown Gods’ love through their actions and helping hearts. From the very first Executive Director, Donna Kidd, who held that position for 12 years, to our current Executive Director, Lisa Cain, who has been here for 30 years in various positions, dedication, conviction, and caring for our neighbors is what has made and guided this organization.

     Doorsteps’ goal in the beginning was “to provide short-term emergency service, to be aware and use other organizations for long-term assistance, and become an advocate in helping people.” In that aspect, things haven’t changed much at Doorstep. Where do we go from here? Wherever it is we know that neighbors will continue helping their neighbors at Doorstep!




Basin and the Towel


“I’m a Satanist. I follow the Lord Satan.” That’s what a young university student yelled at a team of Gideons who were distributing Testaments outside a university in Mexico City. He had taken a Testament, saw what it was, and became enraged. He continued to taunt and shout at the Gideons.

     Finally, he said he would show them just what he thought of their book, as the student proceeded to try to set it on fire with his cigarette lighter.  But try as he might, it would not ignite. He tried for several minutes, but the Testament would not burn. He quieted down and became afraid. The young student had never seen anything like this. He left abruptly but came back soon after to apologize to the Gideons. He realized this must be a supernatural book.

     The men then began to witness and share the Gospel with this student from the back of the Testament. Before he left that morning, he had prayed to accept Jesus as his savior.

     Folks, that is why Gideons serve––to see people turn to Christ.  For many of you, when you hear the name, “Gideons,” you probably think about the Bibles that you regularly see in hotels. But, The Gideons International is so much more.

     Since 1899, our object has been to win others to Christ by helping Christian business and professional men strengthen their testimony and increase their influence for Christ in their homes, workplaces, and churches.

     As a natural outgrowth of maturing in Christ and strengthening our testimonies, we and our wives place Bibles in designated traffic lanes of life—places like hotels, hospitals, and nursing homes. We also give Testaments to students in schools and colleges, to prisoners, and to police, fire, and medical personnel as well as men and women in the armed forces.

      We encourage our men and their wives to share the Gospel at least once a week using these small Testaments, which have helps for more than 34 of life’s more pressing needs in the front and the plan of salvation in the back. Today, we are organized in 200 countries, territories, and possessions, and publish Scriptures in more than 100 languages. Last year, by God’s grace, we touched over 70 million people with a copy of God’s Word.

     It’s so easy for us to obtain Bibles that it’s hard to understand just how precious a copy of God’s Word is to so many around the world. Even though two people receive a scripture every second, the need is even greater.

     You may be wondering how you can help. As much as we need and appreciate your contributions, we need your prayers even more. Please pray today for us and keep us in your prayers.  Pray that God will provide “open doors” for us to reach more people and for more funds to purchase Scriptures.

     Next, if God leads you to do so, please consider giving to The Gideons. For an investment of less than a dollar and twenty cents, you can provide for the purchase and placement of Scripture around the world.  Your donation of about one hundred and twenty dollars can result in a box of 100 New Testaments reaching men, women, and children in a country where many people struggle to survive, and they can’t afford a copy of God’s Word.

     Gideon’s International is looking for business men that are interested in becoming a member of this Christian organization. If you would like more information about the Gideons and their ministry, please contact Don Christian, 785-969-4819.  


Basin and the Towel

EASTER, APRIL 20, 2025

Preparing our Hearts for Easter

Ash Wednesday—March 5th

Palm Sunday—April 13th

Maundy Thursday—April 17th

Prayer Walk, 10-7:00 PM

Good Friday— Tenebrae Service, 6:30 PM, April 18th

Egg Hunt, Saturday, April 19th, 10:00 AM

Easter Sunday—April 20th

7:00 AM, Sunrise Service

7:30 AM, Breakfast

8:30 & 10:00 AM Worship


By Barbara Rainey, Family Life Ministry, (copied from blog on


While I enjoy the sparkle of Christmas, it’ll never match the amazement that one Man willed to die for me, a sin-stained woman, helpless to change on my own. Were it not for His initiation, “He first loved us” (I John 4:8), I would not know love at all. Christmas is fun, but Easter is wonder-filled and jubilant!

     As the temple curtain was ripped in two from top to bottom at the precise moment Jesus breathed His last, the door to a relationship with God flung open. As if torn off the hinges, the entrance to God the Father—my holy God, my Creator—was forever accessible.

     I’m thankful for the first whimpers of that hay born Savior, and even more grateful that He gave His last breath for sinners, for me, as He hung nail bound on a cross. Without His death, resurrection, and ascension, His miraculous incarnation for us on Christmas morning would mean nothing.

     Shouldn’t we grow up and focus on the miraculous wonders of Easter, His Resurrection Day? This year I invite you to ponder the uncomfortable truths of Jesus’ death and burial.

     Allow yourself to feel just a hint of His agony, His suffering, His pain. Walk away from the cross with the disciples who were shocked at His death, whose hopes were dashed, whose fears were crippling; their despair and depression deep and debilitating.

     Then you will be ready for Sunday’s dawn. Then your joy on Resurrection Day will begin to match theirs. Then the world will know that you have been with Jesus. That your life has been changed forever.

     And plan a grand celebration because the heart of Christianity is not what we must do, but what He has done! For us!

     Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed! Hallelujah!



Highland Heights Christian Church

2930 SE Tecumseh Road

Tecumseh, KS  66542

Phone:  785-379-5642

Fax:  785-379-5648

Love God.  Love Others.  Live it Out!

MARCH 1ST, 8:30 AM


     Two times a year the leadership of HHCC is asked to  attend a time of study and fellowship together.  Everyone who is part of a purpose team or ministry team, or would like to be,  is welcome to attend this bonding experience. Setting aside a few hours of time may be a sacrifice but it also is a welcome retreat to focus on the ministry of Jesus Christ in this place.

     This spring the Leadership Lifter will be held on Saturday, March 1st,, beginning at 8:30 AM. Snacks are  provided  during the morning with lunch served at noon.



Begins February 27th, 6:30 PM

Foundations is a 8-part course that will go over the basic foundations and principles of our faith in Christ Jesus. This is a great way of making sure all of your questions about  Christendom are answered. Why are we Christians? Why is baptism important? What are spiritual gifts and do I have any? All of these are questions that are answered in this   series. Every church member/attender is encouraged to participate in this class. A sign up sheet is available in the lobby..




Plans are underway for another gathering of HHCC Women. Please put the date on your calendar as we continue to confirm the details. More information will be coming soon! 


A Maundy Thursday Journey of Reflection and Prayer

April 17th, 10:00AM-7:00 PM

     A quiet walk through 7 stations around the sanctuary, is prepared for you by the Worship Team. Scripture passages are suggested for your consideration. Let the Spirit speak through the Scripture. Spend time in prayer and reflection upon what you learn.  Pray and thank God for His peace and understanding. 

      Printed materials for reflection and meditation will be provided.  Spend some quality time with your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, during this Holy Week.