The Demise of the Church – and How to Fix it!

By Pastor Patrick D. Garlock

In our ever-growing world of technology, we have reached an all-time high of disconnect. We have become so distracted with our phones, as opposed to quiet time with the Lord in prayer, that even the readily available bible apps that we can actually access, don’t get used as often as others. But even this wasn’t the reason for our demise. It was part of it. The real beginning of the end happened because the church became biblically illiterate. We left our bibles stay closed. And when this began to occur, we let the false teachers in, albeit little by little, until the church got lazy because of the misguided, unbiblical teaching. We let the wolves in at the sheep gate, because we grew blind to recognize the bad fruit that they bear.


We allowed heresies like man-centered control of salvation and doctrines of end times of the church not having to endure tribulation, to creep in. We let the prosperity gospel be taught as though it was a legitimate option. And these heresies, led by the enemy who seduced human beings that look and seem just like true believers, infiltrated pulpits and pews. We began to dismiss the role of the elder. From the actual position called for by the New Testament, to even going as far as allowing women to occupy it. We even allowed men to vacate the pulpit in favor of their blessed counterparts, and dismiss the biblical call to not allow women to lead congregations as pastors.


Now, women are statistically more inclined to be involved in the church (thanks ladies, you’re awesome!) But somehow men forgot their call to be obedient followers of Christ. And so, when we lost men, women stepped up. It’s been a trickle-down effect that has left us in a position of error and weakness. Shame on the men of the church. We allowed ourselves to be emasculated. And look what has happened!

Today, in the United States of America, we can’t even teach children in elementary school what a boy and girl truly are, as biologically blessed upon their birth. No, we are attempting to rewrite scientific biology, all in the name of appeasing a secular mass that seemingly grew ignorant overnight. And we became scared of them.


The irrational, has become rational.


And so far, this article seems to be doom and gloom. And I really hate that I have made it like that thus far. But it’s for a purpose. It is a call to be alarmed… and to stand up and change the course of action that is within our control. The only remedy is say enough and plant a flag in the ground. Right here. Right now.


Recognize the Problem


Christians have long been the target of persecution. Jesus said, “Blessed are you when people hate you and when they exclude you and revile you and spurn your name as evil, on account of the Son of Man!” - Luke 6:22. The Apostle Paul also told Timothy, “Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” - 2 Timothy 3:12.


So, persecution should be expected since it comes with the territory of following Christ. And although persecution can and has taken many different forms, the one that I want to address is the entirety of it. Because in the United States of America, the church has generally only been the object of mild criticism, at best. Not solely, but generally.


That is, until now.


I believe it goes without saying (but here I am saying it), that our culture in the USA has started getting out of hand when compared to a biblical, moral perspective. You know it is bad when the enemy doesn’t even hide his onslaught of perversion and evil.


We are witnessing the pendulum swing so drastically the opposite way from truth in the Holy Scriptures, that the hatred against our loving, merciful God has firmly rooted itself in the underlying core of the last two generations. Saints, there is no doubt that that tide is turning. The mercy of the Holy Spirit of God, who has held back hostility throughout time, appears to be on the fringe of peeling back that layer of protection that we have grown accustomed to. Because today, our acceptance of sin (as a culture), is growing more evil by the minute. It is clear that morality is changing, and Christ’s Church is the subject by which many groups are hoisting their sails of their battleships to catch the wind towards us, firmly loading their cannons and attaching their bayonets for an all-out assault. It’s not even a secret. The film industry, music industry, sports culture, political landscape, social media and the mass media, have all set their targets on Christianity as the object of their hate. And it’s only going to get worse. While that thought won’t make any one of us feel soft and warm on the inside, it’s not even the worst part of it. The worst part about any probable persecution is that may “believers” are oblivious to this happening against the church, and are even deliberate in dismissing it. It’s almost as if the worst thing that should happen to today’s Christian during the course of a day is to have the barista misspell their name on their paper coffee cup.


This ignorance of this is 100% the fault of the church itself.


How? We are simply blind to the obvious.


26 of the 27 books in the New Testament warn us of the imminence of false teaching. We are told so much about it that there should never have been room for error on the part of the church. None. The writing is so clear, so concise, that there is no excuse for anything other than sound doctrine to be taught over all these years.


Look at a couple of passages from the New Testament…


2 Peter 2:1 - “But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction.


Acts 20:29 – “I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock…


1 John 4:1 – “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.


Matthew 7:15 - “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.


Matthew 10:16 - “Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.


So very clear. And yet, we failed at recognizing it.


The Solution


Many believers today feel as though there is just no solution, and that it might be easier to roll over and let the bad get worse because, “well the bible says that’s going to happen.” That, my friends, is the biggest cop-out that we could ever utter from our lips. While we know that it truly is the case, our utterance of it is dismissive, and quite frankly, irresponsible and lazy. And if we have ever spoken that phrase, may we repent of the direct disobedience to our call to the great commission by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


Matthew 28:18-20 – “And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.


Jesus reminds us with His departing words, that we are to do exactly what we’ve been instructed to, until His return. The end of the age, is the finality. The end of the age is the “Day of the Lord,” when He returns. He will conquer his enemies on that day, and we are redeemed in Him permanently and forever. We are given our new bodies and rest in Him for eternity. That’s the finality. But until then, we are called to do “His Will.” This means, we cannot roll over and play dead. Not in the least.


We can help the cause for Christ and help the Kingdom of God grow, by getting off our lazy tails. That’s a start. There are so many ways to help the church of Christ. But it all begins with you realizing it, and getting involved. This is our call as believers, to do the works that we are meant to do, as a result of the change that occurs in us from our regeneration in Christ. Works are now an outward active expression.


Begin with the local church. If you church is involved local missions, find out where you can help. If your local church needs a volunteer somewhere (and guaranteed they do), find a place where you can help and plug in. The local church always needs the assistance of the members. And especially sound teachers. But it could wherever you are moved and led by the Holy Spirit, to begin helping.


The world might be losing its grip on sanity, but in no way does this mean that we allow it without making strides to improve the local church. It is by our faith and actions, that those who are desolate within this world, spot the joy that you have and the freedom by which you stand, in Christ alone. This, my friends, is being a light to a dark and dying world.


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