Party Mix
“For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.” - Hosea 6:6 ESV
I’m reading through the minor prophets and when I got to this verse, I felt the need to stop and ponder. I have had this love/hate relationship with Christmas gifts throughout my life. When I was younger (and had much less) Christmas gifts were a means to get something I may not be able to afford yet. The person giving the gift, from a complementary perspective, was motivated, out of love, to give me my heart’s desire within their own limitations. On one side of my family, this evolved into what I call a treasure glut of presents where each person might get a dozen smaller presents of things the person hoped they wanted. What they didn’t understand, at least about me, was the presents that mattered much more to me were much simpler.
For example, I remember the first year my mother-in-law made me a literal garbage bag amount of party mix. I instantly recognized the effort and love and calories that she put into the gift for me. I tucked that bag away and slowly ate on it for what seemed like a long time. Every time I opened that bag for a handful or two, I’d think of the love she put into making it for me.
Isn’t that what God is saying in the verse from Hosea? The momentary things like sacrifices and burnt offerings aren’t what I want. I want what’s in your heart and if that involves sacrifices and burnt offerings, that’s ok too.
That’s why the handmade card from the little child is so important to you. Why the hug from a person not obligated by family ties means so much to you. All these examples and many more are things that mean more to me than a car with a ribbon on top that our consumer culture would make us believe are important.
To those of you that I know, let me tell you that I Love You! That is my gift to you today. I hope you take this and tuck it away with your other valuables and pull it out when you need or want it.